Monthly Archives: May 2014

White Roses

Recently I read an article saying that Pope Francis has a strong devotion to St. Therese of Lisieux. Whenever he needed a special grace, especially when it was difficult to accept God’s will in his life, he prayed a novena … Continue reading

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Oh, the silence!

I lost my voice while hearing confessions on Good Friday. I can’t sing, I can speak, I can kind of croak. Playing soccer the other day, I couldn’t shout to ask for a pass. Celebrating mass with other priests on … Continue reading

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Oh Happy Fault

If you listen to the words of the Exultet at the Easter Vigil you will hear some pretty shocking things: “Oh Happy fault” and “Oh truly Necessary sin of Adam”. Last time I checked sin wasn’t a good thing. But, … Continue reading

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Forgiveness and Freedom

“Who among us can presume to be free of sin? No one. Let us ask God to forgive our sins.” — Pope Francis, Tweet, April 30, 2014 At the heart of a Christ-centered belief system is the idea of second … Continue reading

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A charism of accompanying others

As thoughts and prayers about our charism continue to churn in my heart, I thought of two stories showing how our charism accompanies individuals and families through the joys and sorrows of life. Story #1 Meet Frank and Jessica. They … Continue reading

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Witness to Mercy

For the last several years the Mater Ecclesiae College Choir has sung at the Divine Mercy Sunday celebration at the National Shrine of Divine Mercy in Stockbridge Massachusetts. This year was the second time I have personally gone. Before going … Continue reading

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