This past weekend the Diocese of Providence RI held its first Eucharistic Congress. All of us t Mater Ecclesiae College had the huge grace to participate and to sing in the Eucharistic Procession and during a time of adoration. The day was full of events centered around the Eucharist but the highlight for me was the Eucharistic procession.
There was the actual formal Eucharistic procession with incense and singing and a canopy over the monstrance — but that isn’t the procession I am talking about. I mean the one where the priest was bringing Jesus back to the Church. Behold the Lord’s great humility!
While in the morning there was great solemnity in the procession, this other procession was humble and simple. We were in the car getting ready to leave when someone spotted a priest in his alb and with a humeral veil over his shoulders getting ready to cross the street to the Church. He was alone and everyone who passed did not realize that in his hands was the Holy Eucharist, the body of Christ. Then someone in the car said lets go sing for Jesus.
We quickly evacuated the 15-passenger van and ran to the priest and began to sing. This gesture helped me so much to realize Our Lord is always present for me, he is always passing by in my life. But how attentive to that am I? Do I only acknowledge his presence in moments of solemnity and honor and adore him when in my schedule it says adoration or Mass? Christ is present in every Catholic Church, he is there waiting for us. He is passing by; I can’t wait for the incense and singing, I have to be constantly united to him and when I do come into his Eucharistic presence I have to give him the same honor and glory no matter what external manifestations there are of praise!