Use your gifts!

“Faith enables us to recognize the gifts that the good and generous God has entrusted to us; charity makes them fruitful”.

Who doesn’t like to be patted on the back? Who doesn’t love to hear others say good things about us? But deep down, how much do we stop to recognize where our qualities come from that they are gifts? We have to give credit to God.  Do we really recognize those gifts and are we using them for good?

  • Make a list of 10 qualities that you have.
  • Put at least two of those qualities at the service of other.


About Paola Trevino

Paola Trevino is a Consecrated women of Regnum Christi. She has direct and serve in many national and international missions. For the past two years she has focus her mission work in Haiti and Cancun, MX in the Mayan villages. At present she serves as the National Director of Missions Youth a Catholic based mission program that offers national and international missions for teens and young adults.
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