The Ultimate Salesman

If people are willing to do all they can to convince someone to buy a car, something that is here today and gone tomorrow, how much more will God do to help us form a relationship with him, an eternal treasure?

            God is the ultimate salesman. He is willing to go to extremes to meet you where you are. With the many devotions, prayers, saintly examples, virtues that are presented to us in the Catholic Church, we are capable of having a “custom made” relationship with God. For some the devotion to Divine Mercy is attractive. For others devotion to the Sacred Heart will be the way to go. Whatever it may be, it is a means to grow in our relationship with God. 

            The ways we communicate with God are numerous and diverse. We can make spontaneous prayers to him throughout the day. We can use vocal prayers such as the Our Father or Hail Mary. Or we can even just be in his presence in a chapel or church where he is present in the Eucharist. The possibilities are limitless. God wants us to communicate with him and he gives us many means to do so.

            We also have the scriptures, which reveal to us who God is. You may be thinking, “I don’t understand the bible, it is so confusing!” God has a solution for that too! There are many people who form prayer groups, bible studies, or gospel reflections. So for those who feel they can’t do it alone, God provides support groups. And there are priests available to speak with.

            God loves us and desires our friendship, not only desires but thirsts for our friendship! As our creator he knows we are all very different. For that reason he has provided many ways for us to strengthen our relationship with him. And like a car salesman he is just waiting for us to tell him what we need and to look around a little to find the “car” that best suits us. And his car has unlimited mileage.

About Julian Frommling

Julian Frommling is a second-year student at Mater Ecclesiae College in Rhode Island. She is discerning a vocation to the consecrated life.
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