Worth tuning in…

You don’t have to tune into the Discovery Channel next week to learn about a great historical discovery in the Holy Land.  Just click here to listen to programming for 89.1 FM Catholic Radio in Indianapolis, Indiana.

The station will air an interview with Fr Eamon Kelly LC, assistant director of the Magdala Center.  During development of the project, which is located in the ancient city of Magdala, an ancient synagogue was found, thought to be a location where Jesus Christ actually preached.

The interview will air on June 27 through July 1 at the following times:

Monday and Friday at 10:00 am EST

Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00 pm EST

Saturday at 9:00 am EST

You can also go to the station website www.CatholicRadioIndy.org and click the “listen now” link.

Fr. Eamon said of the hosts of the radio show Faith in Action, “I enjoyed talking with MJ, Jim and Bob very much. They communicate so much joy for the word of God.”

To find out more about the Magdala project go to one of the sites listed below.






About Kelly Luttinen

Kelly Luttinen works as a public relations advisor for the Legion of Christ and Regnum Christi. She is a wife and mother of four teens and lives in the metro-Detroit area.
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