“He who has Jesus has everything.” St. Rose Duchesne
Several years ago, I brought a large group of kids and dads from the DC area on a mission/cultural trip to Mexico. We stopped our two buses at a road side stand (to take advantage of the outhouses) and one of the kids asked for toilet paper. The lady at
the stand smiled and gave me a bunch of newspaper saying, “This is what we use.” Suddenly, two little girls ran from the fields into the back of this road side stand and I soon realized that this was their house. I brought a few of our kids over and asked them a few questions. “Is
this where you live and sleep?” They answered, “Yes, Father.” “Are you Catholic?” Once again, “Yes, Father” “Do you pray a lot and go to Mass every Sunday.” They answered with a big smile, “Yes, Father!” I concluded with a simple question, “Are you happy?” They answered with even
bigger smiles, “Yes, Father, we are very happy!!” Material poverty is a terrible thing, and we need to try to alleviate this problem, but with Christ, even the most adverse situations can be lived with joy. He who has Jesus has everything!