Author Archives: Fr. Charles Sikorsky, LC

About Fr. Charles Sikorsky, LC

President, Institute for the Psychological Sciences Fr. Charles came to the Institute for the Psychological Sciences in 2007, after finishing his Licentiate in Canon Law at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. His thesis focused on various issues relating to the legal compatibility of the observance of Canon Law and Ex Corde Ecclesiae by Catholic universities in the United States of America. He also has degrees in philosophy and theology from the Regina Apostolorum Pontifical Atheneum. A native of Baltimore, MD, Fr. Charles graduated from the University of Maryland School of Law, where he founded Law Students for Life. He received a B.A. in political economy from The Johns Hopkins University where he also played college basketball. He is a graduate of Calvert Hall College High School in Towson, MD, where he played on the 1981-82 National Championship high school basketball team. He practiced law for two years before joining the Legionaries of Christ in 1992. He did a four year apostolic internship in South America, working in Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela. He also spent nine years in Rome for study and ministry. He was ordained a priest in 2002. The Institute for the Psychological Sciences is a Catholic graduate school of Psychology in Arlington, VA, offering Master’s and Doctoral degrees in psychology. The mission of the Institute is to harmonize the science of psychology with the Christian vision of the person and his or her dignity. Its programs enable graduates to grasp all the complexities of the human person, including the transcendent, spiritual and moral dimensions, so that they can help their patients to flourish as individuals created and loved by God.

Human and spiritual needs connect

I heard numerous confessions last night at a youth event.  It reminded of the following  short quotes I recently read about our need to experience God’s mercy and to move forward on the human level.  Be assured of my prayers. … Continue reading

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Legion of Christ: The best is yet to come!

It seemed hopeless.  Only 1:15 remained in the showdown basketball game and the scoreboard said Dunbar led Calvert Hall by 9 points.  Many fans headed for the exits.  Who could blame them?  The powerhouse Dunbar team, led by future Georgetown … Continue reading

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