Author Archives: Carol Dodd

About Carol Dodd

Carol Dodd is a Consecrated Woman of Regnum Christi in her studies stage of formation. She is from Dallas, Texas, where she attended The Highlands, the Regnum Christi school there, for 11 years. After graduating, she was a Regnum Christi missionary in Chicago for one year. She made her first vows on March 14, 2015 after two years of candidacy at the formation center in Rhode Island. After three years at Mater Ecclesiae College, she is now part of the new studies stage community in Madrid, where she is studying Theology at the Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso.

Wake up the World with Joy

“We are called to know and show that God is able to fill our hearts to the brim with happiness; that we need not seek our happiness elsewhere…” (Apostolic Letter of Pope Francis to all Consecrated People on the Occasion … Continue reading

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Fixing her eyes on the Heart of Christ the King

The past week we have had the opportunity to delve more deeply into the Heart of Christ our King and Spouse through a course on the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Cecilia Castañera, one of the consecrated women who … Continue reading

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10 highlights from my first week of class at San Damaso

SURVIVING. Listening to the people in just one of my classes introduce themselves as seminarians from 4 or 5 different seminaries, religious sisters from 2 or 3 different orders, moms and dads of families, members of other associations — and … Continue reading

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A Walk in a History Book

The first time I was in the car as we drove through downtown Madrid, I was amazed at a huge, beautiful, intricately carved white building in one of the plazas. I asked what it was, expecting it to be a … Continue reading

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Lifting my Heart towards Heaven

Just a few blocks away from our university is the Almudena Cathedral, the church of the patron of Madrid, Our Lady of Almudena. The name comes from the Arab word for “wall” or “citadel”. When the Christians re-conquered the city … Continue reading

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I know I live in an international community when: I wrote an email to a friend the other day and she responded asking me why my email information was in German. Actually, in this house we have electronic devices set … Continue reading

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culture: noun cul•ture \ˈkəl-chər\

Merriam Webster: 1 the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time A trip to El Escorial was a breathtaking way of being introduced to how Catholicism and Spanish culture are intertwined. King Philip II of … Continue reading

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“Tu fidelidad es grande, tu fidelidad incomparable es. Nadie como tu, bendito Dios. Grande es tu fidelidad.” As we sang this song at Mass yesterday, it moved me deeply as I reflected on God´s fidelity after witnessing one of the … Continue reading

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At long last…

We made our first trip to San Damaso! As we drove along the highway, the one sitting next to me commented on how pretty soon, we will know this road very well. It was strange to think that we were … Continue reading

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United in His Kingdom

It has been a beautiful experience to begin my time here in Spain while all the consecrated in the country are together here in Madrid for spiritual exercises and a territorial convention. At the end of spiritual exercises, several of … Continue reading

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