Author Archives: Br Antônio Lemos LC

About Br Antônio Lemos LC

Br Antônio Lemos is from Curitiba, Brazil. He joined the Legion of Christ in 2006 after a couple of years as a Regnum Christi member. He is a big fan of the Brazilian national soccer team, 1980´s pop culture (specially movies), and St Thomas Aquinas. He is currently studying Theology in Rome.

The journal of a pilgrim and volunteer — Day 10

I just got home from WYD Opening Mass, overflowing with joy! Yesterday I went to bed a little sad because of the protest. How was it possible that a few people carrying the flag of violence and hate could get … Continue reading

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The Journal of a pilgrim and volunteer — Day 9

Pope Francis arrived in Rio! The first Pope from the Americas crossed the Atlantic and arrived in the Americas. And I already saw him! I do not know how to start! Maybe I should start from the beginning.   This … Continue reading

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The journal of a pilgrim and volunteer — Day 8

Yesterday at 10 pm I received a message saying that we would have a training session on simultaneous translation early in the morning downtown, at the WYD Volunteers Headquarters. I got up early and was there on time. After waiting … Continue reading

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The Journal of a Pilgrim and Volunteer — Day 7

“On the seventh day God completed the work he had been doing; he rested on the seventh day from all the work he had undertaken” Genesis 2, 2. This is my seventh day at the WYD, but it was not … Continue reading

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The Journal of a pilgrim and volunteer — Day 6

This morning I woke up really early to pray my meditation at the small chapel in the LC house. I was all by myself in the Chapel and heard some noises outside. I thought one of the priests was praying … Continue reading

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The Journal of a pilgrim and volunteer — Day 5

Yesterday when I was coming home on the bus, we stopped for awhile at one point. The bus driver told us that there was heavy traffic because there was a demonstration going on ahead of us. I think he found … Continue reading

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The Journal of a pilgrim and volunteer — Day 4

As you might know, the World Youth Day did not start yet. It will start officially on the 23rd, and pilgrims start to arrive on the weekend. So, why am I here already? I am here because I am a … Continue reading

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The Journal of a pilgrim and volunteer — Day 3

Yesterday I was going back to the legionary house in Rio where I am staying. I took the bus, and there was no seat for me. A young man stood up and said “Father, please take my seat” I said … Continue reading

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The Journal of a pilgrim and volunteer — Day 2

So, why am I a pilgrim and a volunteer? Two years ago when I decided to go to the WYD and my superiors gave me permission I started to think about how I would organize my trip. A friend of … Continue reading

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The Journal of a WYD pilgrim… and a volunteer, Day 1

I waited for this day for a long time. When Rio de Janeiro was announced to be the next city of World Youth Day two years ago, I started asking God for the grace to be able to participate. The … Continue reading

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