Search Results for: parable of the tree

The parable of the Christmas tree!

The other day I was sitting in the living room just looking at our Christmas tree. In my family we always put an angel on top of the tree, the Angel obviously representing the Angels singing to the Christ Child … Continue reading

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Nepal Update 4

The rainy season in Nepal usually starts in June, but this year heavy showers and winds began to make intermittent appearances starting the beginning of May. At home, I look forward to listening to the gentle sound of rain falling … Continue reading

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Snow job

Avenge not yourselves, beloved, but give place unto the wrath of God: for it is written, Vengeance belongeth unto me; I will recompense, saith the Lord. – Romans 12:19 This is a winter parable from Chicago – not from the … Continue reading

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Honesty from a holy man

About a dozen years ago I found myself working in the financial district of London.  It was about as non-Catholic environment as one could imagine. But shortly after the start of my British tour, I discovered a Catholic treasure just … Continue reading

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