Change of plans

In Haiti, we like to say that the missionaries should be able to “roll with the punches.” Be ready to change plans, work with have you have and improvise.

Today was quite memorable. No matter how well you organize and schedule departures and errands, things don’t always go as expected. Today was one of those days. The wood for our benches was supposed to arrive at 8:30; it was 9:40 and we were still waiting. Instead of waiting longer, we all jumped in a white mini-van and took off to the compound of the Oblates of Immaculate Mary. This was our mission site for today. They asked us to build benches for their chapel. In no time, we were leaving the city behind us and entering the countryside. Quickly, we arrived to our final destination. There we didn’t know what to except. Honestly, we were not even sure if we would be able to build the benches.

We were received by Fr. Pascal, the pastor of the mission. Oh wait, just a small problem — he didn’t know how to speak English or Spanish, so we encountered another hurdle! With the help of the Holy Spirit survived that hurdle! They showed us the chapel and realized that even though they asked for benches, paint was definitely more important …so we called the hardware store, ordered paint and tried to get it with the order of wood. As always, God is in charge; we made the call just in time.

Second hurdle, Fr. Michael, LC with the wood and the paint was going to be at least one hour late. Meanwhile, I’m with 10 missionaries and no work. So we rolled with the punches. We looked around and saw the opportunity for the missionaries to lead the Pre-K kids in songs in the classroom: “hokey pokey, head shoulders-knees-and-toes, or Jesus loves me this I know…”

Young people are building a new world of hope! 10 Americans scattered in a classroom of little Haitians, sharing their faith and love through songs! I wish you had been here to see the faces of the kids; the sparkle in their eyes was priceless. We had made their morning memorable for sure!

Finally the materials arrived and off to work we go….Scraping, painting, dismantling kneelers and cutting wood, we had less than 6 hours to finish it all.

Our missionaries have demonstrated so much service, love, generosity. They are ready to step up to the plate and do what a missionary is expected to do: Go, with no fear and serve! And build the new world of hope!



About Paola Trevino

Paola Trevino is a Consecrated women of Regnum Christi. She has direct and serve in many national and international missions. For the past two years she has focus her mission work in Haiti and Cancun, MX in the Mayan villages. At present she serves as the National Director of Missions Youth a Catholic based mission program that offers national and international missions for teens and young adults.
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