“What will be the crown of those who, humble within and humiliated without, have imitated the humility of our Savior in all its fullness!” — St. Bernadette
The highlight of my Cub Scout years was the annual Rocket Derby. The balsa wood rockets were judged on their style and design, but what really mattered was the actual race itself. We all wanted to win, and a huge factor was determining how many turns you would give your propeller to get the maximum power out of the rubber bands. Humility is the propeller of our spiritual life, and God gives us plenty of opportunities to be turned and wound up. How flexible are we in our relationship with others? Are we capable of letting go of the non-essentials and allowing others to stretch and turn our pride for the good of the family or the team? God is not asking us to sacrifice our core principles, but there is so much room for flexibility in the daily grind!