Haiti Mission Update Day Five

careIt was a wonderful day to be in Haiti today. We started the day off by going to the Children’s Home. Even though it was our third and fourth times visiting these kids, it never ceases to amaze us how much life and energy they have.

We got to play with them and feed them breakfast and lunch. A lot of children had their parents come visit today, and at one point there were absolutely no more babies in the cribs. This made us really happy to see every single baby being loved and taken care of. 

We had our lunch break and celebrated Mass. Unfortunately, some of us were feeling a little under-the-weather and especially needed this break to rest and get rehydrated. Even though some people didn’t feel very well, it really strengthened the bond of our group to know that all of us were caring for each other.

After the break, some of us went back to playing and loving the children, while others had the chance to go to the Wounds Clinic. Alyssa, Ji, Keenan, Haley K., and Fr. Jeff went to help some members of the community heal their wounds. They prepared medicine for the Shingles patients, additionally they cleaned out wounds ranging from minor to severe.

Many of us grew special bonds with the children, and it was really hard to realize that this was our last day at the Children’s Home. Many of us spent our last couple of hours saying goodbye and doing things for the last time with these children. As much as it hurt to know we won’t ever see this children again, it gave us comfort to know they are in good hands with the Sisters who provide for them. We have to put trust in God that He will protect them and provide for them and for all the others we’ve met here.

Here are some of our highs, lows, and favorite memories of the day:

It was so hard to say goodbye today.

Today one of the little children was copying all the noises I made and another would copy her.

The whole day was so good, so peaceful. It never gets easier to set them down.

I liked being there for some of the other missionaries who were not feeling well and it was so hard setting down the little guy I have been taking care of, he was so so sick and I don’t know what will happen today.

My low was saying good bye today. He was reaching his arms up just not wanting me to go.

Today the baby I have been with was doing so much better and when his family came they were moved to tears to see how well he was doing.

The best thing today was walking in when the families were visiting and not seeing a single one in their crib. Everyone was being held!

It was amazing to see how much progress these little ones have made so much progress this week we have been here.

I spent a long time thinking about who these children will become, what their future will hold.

Today we gave suckers to the women working to take care of the children and they were so happy.

The most powerful thing was going to the wound clinic and to serve and care for people that way! One of missionaries was taking care of a boy who was so wounded and just doing such a wonderful job serving.

The wounds clinic was so incredible, just the wounds that these people are suffering with. Just to see the joy in their faces as we served them. I was with this little kid who was having a really hard day because he was so homesick today and his family can’t come.

Love and service can overcome suffering. 

The most powerful thing was to go to the wounds clinic and really spend time with the sisters today. Just getting to know them and know all they do is so impressive.

I just spent so much time playing with these little kids!

The little baby I have been with is so blessed because her dad has been coming to see her every single day. That is so beautiful, to see the relationship and the joy between them.

The joy and beauty of small and simple things! The sisters give these children such simple things and it goes so far! The children love being with us in these simple ways.

The little girl I was with is so hard to take care of and no one has come to see her, I am just so worried about who will come and who will take care of her.

The best part was seeing the other missionaries there at the wounds clinic, and seeing the young men who help the sisters with everything there. I was so great to work together with the Haitian people here and get to know them.

There was a beautiful time to pray with all the parents of the children today. I knew the Rosary from the other day so I was able to join them and pray with them.

Some of the sisters were walking by today and almost half the children ran out of the playground to hug them and greet them. It is so beautiful to see the joy and love of the sisters.

About Katelyn Moroney

Katelyn Moroney is from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. She was consecrated in the summer of 2002 and studied at Mater Ecclesiae College for the following four years. During her studies at Mater Ecclesiae she worked in the New York and New Jersey areas as well as venturing as far as Australia and New Zealand for her apostolic work. In 2006 she was assigned to work in Dallas, Texas with girls in programs like Challenge. Joining the Chicago team in the fall of 2009, Katelyn began working with high school and university students. She currently directs Mission Youth Missions.
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