Haiti Mission Update Day 5

Day four was just as amazing as all the other days have been, if not better. Today, our group had a choice of either going to the Children’s Home or the Home for the Dying. Both locations are full of special people and beautiful memories, and it was no surprise that everyone had a impactful day.

That being said, although this day was impactful for all, it was definitely challenging for those who were at the Children’s Home. There were two baptisms given today for two sick babies. These two were struggling more than others to live. One of the children, Bernadette, was taken to the hospital, so please keep her in your prayers.

There were still uplifting experiences at the Children’s Home. A lot of people shared that the babies today were more smiley and happy than they had ever seen them. This was a great day for these group members because it showed that their hard work and love for the children was paying off. For instance, Sarah L. had a baby “poop bomb” on her, but she was still elated that she was spending time with Suerdy, her special baby.

Moreover, there was a medicine distribution at the Children’s Home, and the lines extended so far that after giving to all those who were part of their distribution program, they had to send others home empty-handed. It wasn’t the lack of resources, but there wasn’t enough time to serve all of them.


The other group that went to the Home for the Dying also had powerful experiences. The girls went upstairs to spend time with the female patients, and they did everything from making pipe-cleaner bracelets to learning Creole. We also had a chance to relieve the patients of some pain by applying lotion on them. Keenan and Fr. Jeff applied lotion to a lot of the male patients as well. As simple as it sounds, the patients really appreciate and enjoy this method of therapeutic relief.

Today was a special day on the Catholic calendar. It was the Feast day of Visitation of Mary. In celebration, both Children’s Home and the Home for the Dying had processions. This was truly beautiful moment to witness. At the Children’s Home, all the school children, including those who were sick, literally brought the procession to our group so that we could participate. In the Home for the Dying, the procession took place on every floor and wing of the home so that all the patients who were too sick to walk could celebrate this day. It was especially beautiful at the end when the entire home went to the grotto of Mary to pray, sing, and throw flowers at the statue. All the mothers and children were dancing, and the final song was easy enough that we could also follow along and join the celebration. The children and parents especially loved this because it showed our efforts to unify and become one with them in Christ.

At our end of the day discussion, Fr. Jeff brought clarity to the beauty of the procession. These celebrations were done by those who were some of the most struggling people in the world. These people directly suffer from the sins of the world, yet they do not give in to the enemy. Their celebration in the midst of suffering is the greatest inspiration to all of us.

Sometimes we all need a reminder of how much work we can put into our relationship with God. Today, we saw that some of the most faithful people on this planet come from some of the worst situations. It really inspires us all to challenge ourselves to emulate this love for Jesus. Here are some of the highlights of the day from some students:

dyingWe had two baptisms today and four of the missionaries became godparents.

The hardest part today was that a new baby came in with bad infection in a wound on his head and he was so scared and in so much pain. I spent most of the day with him.

We helped with a medicine distribution today and it was so powerful to see what these sisters are doing for these people.

I was able to go back to the home of the dying today. I loved to be with the people that I met yesterday. I was with another missionary were able to pray the Rosary together as we went patient by patient putting lotion on some of the older, very frail women. I spent so long going through the Creole bible and English Bible together with our favorite passages, praying and sharing together. And at the end I was able to tell her in Creole what she told me in English yesterday “I love you”! I will never forget this day. 

My best moment was that this little baby i have been holding never smiled and today he finally smiled!

I spent the day drawing pictures and learning the Creole words for each thing. it was great!

Going to the home of the dying is such a challenge for me, it is so hard to realize how young these people are and how much they face compared to my life. Life is not fair, some people are so blessed, and some have such an incredible amount of faith.

I spent the whole day with a young woman who was 20 who wanted to become a doctor and just got to know her and her life and her struggles and hopes and dreams as she sold little bracelets to try to raise the money to study.

It was so powerful to see the children with their parents especially one boy who just broke down in relief when he was in the arms of his dad. I was playing with two little toddlers who were so incredibly happy and enjoying themselves so much this afternoon.

I was able to become the godfather of the little boy I have been spending so much time with, it is so incredible to have a spiritual bond forever with this little 5 month old child i am caring for now.

I became the godmother of a little girl in an emergency baptism right before she was rushed to the hospital. it was so emotional, she was so sick, i so much pain and fear in her eyes, and to have her rushed off and not know what happened is so hard.

We can only give physically for so much time, but spiritually we can give forever, the baptisms were so powerful.

I was able to really say goodbye to one of the little boys at the home for the dying who i will never see again, it was a good closure. 

I felt like we were really together today, together as a team and also with the Haitian community.

The procession and the music and the prayerfulness is so incredible! You could just feel their love. The sick, the suffering and the dying, all joined together in joyful songs to praise the Mother of God. They took the worst that could be thrown at them and turned it into a joyful song!

I had a great day just connecting to so many people and learning their language and being together.

My low was that I received so much from them, and I failed to give them as much in return.

I felt such a unity today, they just wanted to be with us. They wanted us to be with them and part of the procession in every way! It was the most powerful thing to pray and sing with them. We were so united. There was a real friendship that developed today!

I just found so many friends today, so many connections.

I was with some of the women who are in their last moments and it is so hard to come face to face with death.

Boundaries- my boundaries kept getting pushed further every day by the things what we have done. Today i spoke a lot to the parents and interacting with the Haitian people i have been more shy with before.

I noticed today that the children really know us and are waiting for us and keep getting better and smiling and laughing.

About Katelyn Moroney

Katelyn Moroney is from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. She was consecrated in the summer of 2002 and studied at Mater Ecclesiae College for the following four years. During her studies at Mater Ecclesiae she worked in the New York and New Jersey areas as well as venturing as far as Australia and New Zealand for her apostolic work. In 2006 she was assigned to work in Dallas, Texas with girls in programs like Challenge. Joining the Chicago team in the fall of 2009, Katelyn began working with high school and university students. She currently directs Mission Youth Missions.
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