
gronotteToday having finished my retreat, and having kept all your intentions in mind during it. It was an honor really to be praying for you all and offering to God what is on your mind. I really felt you all present in some way and wanted to make you present before God.

Having said this I think the readings today other than the obvious meaning of marriage is also the importance we have for one another. God doesn’t want us to be alone. It is amazing to me how much loneliness there is in our world where we are constantly communicating.  We were created for one another, but we were created above all for God. Not to be his slaves but for Him. He wanted someone to love, so He created us. We are here to be loved by God. Loneliness has its value too, but it seems when we are in the midst of it that it is useless and impossible. Christ too came to share in this experience, and in it He showed how much He loves us. He came to unite us all in one family as sons and daughters of His Father so that never doubt of His love. His love is the only thing that can unite us because we were created in this love. Only knowing first we are loved by God are we open to loving others and thus dispel all loneliness in the world one act of love at a time.

About Fr Andrew Gronotte LC

Fr Andrew Gronotte, born and raised in northern Kentucky entered the Legionary apostolic school in eighth grade in 1998, where he began his formation for the priesthood in the Legion. Currently he is finishing his theological studies in Rome, where he will be ordained in a little more than a year.
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