Monthly Archives: September 2015

Family prayer

     “The family, like the Church, ought to be a place where the Gospel is transmitted and from which the Gospel radiates…the future of evangelization depends in great part on the Church of the home”–  St. John Paul II … Continue reading

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I know I live in an international community when: I wrote an email to a friend the other day and she responded asking me why my email information was in German. Actually, in this house we have electronic devices set … Continue reading

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“The Virgin Mary, “cause of our joy” always brings us back to joy in the Lord, who comes to free us from so many interior and exterior slaveries.” – Pope Francis Today we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady Untier … Continue reading

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Holy Father, thank you for the challenge

Perhaps there are two Pope’s visiting America. There is one I see on television, besieged by cheering crowds who clearly love him, for both the holy man he is and the Christian faith he represents.  People are grateful to simply … Continue reading

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So Close

I’ve always been amazed by the description of Solomon’s Temple: the dimensions, the gold, the cedar, the massive cherubim statues (1 Kings 6). It’s grandiose! The Israelites fostered a breathtaking awe for the presence of God in their midst. No … Continue reading

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Worthy of Trust

Christ deserves our trust. In the reading from the book of wisdom the people want to put someone to the test to see if he is worthy of being trusted. This person in Christ. In the gospel He tells his disciples … Continue reading

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When smart goes stupid

Nearly four years ago I received (reluctantly) an iPhone, a model 4s.  It was my first venture into the world of smart phones, a world I had long resisted. Well, there is nothing worse than a convert (to the smart … Continue reading

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Spirit of humility

     “The spirit of humility is sweeter than honey, and those who nourish themselves with this honey produce sweet fruit.” — St. Anthony Having spent 10 years of my youth carrying golf bags, there were certain members that were a … Continue reading

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What an ugly excuse for political discourse

I’m going to break a couple of my own rules for writing in this space today.  First, I’m going to be really critical of a specific organization:  CNN.  Second, I’m going to mention partisan politics, although neither for nor against … Continue reading

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Lean on the Cross of Christ

     “Christians must lean on the Cross of Christ just as travelers lean on a staff when they begin a long journey. They must have the Passion of Christ deeply embedded in their minds and hearts, because only from … Continue reading

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