You will all be happy to hear that your loved ones made it safe and sound to the guesthouse today (with only a few flight delays for a few people). Tommy O., Mary, JP and Br. Kramer arrived on the early bird flight and were able to help organize a bit of our room situation here as well as have some time at the Children’s Home.
The rest of us were on the later flights and ended up at the guesthouse around 6:30 pm where we tried to get accommodated and then had a hearty dinner of lasagna and rice.
We had a bit of an intro to Haiti and then Hannah and Mikayla led us in a little game to get to know each other.
Then, our two priests concelebrated our opening Mass. Fr. Aaron challenged us in the homily to reach out like St. Mary Magdalen (it is her feast day today) and to touch Christ…and let Him touch us on this mission. We ended the evening with some moments of adoration, knowing that it is Christ whom we will encounter and who we would like others to encounter in us.
We are excited for our day tomorrow which will be spent mostly at the Children’s Home. Please keep this mission in your prayers!