Cancun Mission Update — Feast of St Joseph

We had a wonderful day today working once more with the kids of the Don Bosco school. Although they all range in age and grade level, we have found them to be very eager to learn and this has brought out the best in us (teaching them with the language barrier and finding many ways around it!) as well as them as they take advantage of the things we have prepared for them.

Gil and Fatima (after the adventure of finding wood yesterday) were able to make a couple of bird houses with their group of boys, teaching them how to use some of the power tools that Gil brought along as well as making use of a few “improvised tools” so that they also learn how to make due when they don’t have everything they need. (This is also something we had learned earlier on the trip!) Ana was there to capture a few good moments on camera with the boys!

In the other stations we had a good sized group that attempted to put together model dinosaur skeletons with varying degrees of success! Maddi, Liz, and Joan were there to help give direction, and in the end, the youngest boy finished his the fastest!

Amanda and Sarah were continuing to be a “hit” with the girls and their project of making a pair of shorts. They found that as the day went on, the girls got more comfortable attempting things on their own—making their own projects from the scraps of fabric around.

Joseph and Petra also found their boys engaged with the computer programming and powerpoint presentations that they were introducing to the boys. In the PPTs, the boys would put together a slide show in English therefore learning several things at once. While with Joseph’s technical skills, some were able to use basic programming games that he downloaded to begin to learn coding language (he was able to find a lot in Spanish for them!)

Lily was a great help with a surprise project that Amanda and Sarah have in mind to present to the kids tomorrow!

A highlight of the day for the kids was their soccer game. Many of us went and watched and cheered on the team. We led 5-2 at the half-way mark, but the other team outscored us in the second half for the win.

In the afternoon, many had the opportunity to go to the Home for the Elderly and were able to assist the sisters there with a couple of projects (cleaning chairs and fixing the dining room) before spending time with the people. Another beautiful experience (hopefully we have some more time tomorrow!)

That’s all for today! Please pray for us tomorrow as it is our last full day of missions.



About Jana Crea

Jana Crea, a consecrated woman of Regnum Christi, is from Nezperce, Idaho. She has been consecrated for 11 years, and is based at Mater Ecclesiae College, Greenville, RI.
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