Haiti Mission Update — Day 3

Greetings from Port-au-Prince! Each day just gets better!

Today we went back to the Children’s Home and everyone was much more at ease, and therefore able to enjoy more. Many also had the surprise that the children recognized them; it is very impressive how quickly friendship bonds are formed – both the missionaries and the children love each other with so much purity and disinterest that something beautiful happens. A missionary had a ukulele and went crib by crib, with two others, serenading the children. Others were dancing with the babies – it was a magical day! Not much is needed to make the others happy. We are also becoming experts at feeding babies, since each of us gets to feed two or three babies three times a day. We also had time for chores: hanging clothes (babies use cloth diapers here) and moving boxes with food supplies.

At midday we had Mass in the beautiful – and simple – chapel of the Missionaries of Charity. They have received us with so much gratitude; it is a gift to work with them. In the afternoon eight of us went to the “Wounds Clinic” — this is hard to explain in writing. The Missionaries of Charity go three times a week to a school they have in a very poor area and set up a medical dispensary and a “clinic” where people with badly infected wounds come for treatment. Our missionaries discovered how they can love and serve with much joy cleaning the wounds even when these are repulsive.

Those of us who stayed at the Children’s Home got to hear the vocation story of Sister Assumpta, who is originally from Rwanda and lived through the genocide of 1997. Her deep joy and authenticity was very moving. She shared her story as well as the charism of the Missionaries of Charity.

We got home to continue cutting the wood so we can bring it to the village tomorrow where we will be building pews for a local Parish Church. We also planned the upcoming two days, where we will be at Gallete Chambon, a village one hour away from Port-au-Prince. It doesn’t have electricity or running water. We come back Thursday at midday, and in case I’m not able to write you beforehand, I’ll write then.

Please, keep us in your prayers, specially these two upcoming days where we will be in mission within our mission!



About Marial Corona

Marial Corona is a Consecrated Woman in Regnum Christi. She is from Puebla, Mexico, where she attended a Regnum Christi school and fell in love with Christ during Holy Week missions when she was in 7th grade. She made her first vows in Monterrey, Mexico in 2004 and then moved to the US where she obtained her B.A. in Religious and Pastoral Sudies at Mater Ecclesiae College in Greenville, RI. After that she has served in Pilgrim Queen of the Family and as a teacher in the consecrated women’s formation center in Monterrey. Since she enjoys teaching, she studied a Master’s in Philosophy in Navarra Spain and obtained her degree in June 2013. Now she lives in the Chicago community of Consecrated Women where she serves in the Mission Youth national office.
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