Monthly Archives: October 2014

Pharisaical behavior

“My daughter, I see more Pharisees among Christians than there were around Pilate.”– St. Margaret of Cortona It is easy to consider yourself a “practicing Catholic” by the mere fact of going to Mass every Sunday, but it needs to … Continue reading

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Glass Beaches

“The time has come to turn to God and reassert our trust in Him for the healing of America – our country is in need of and ready for a spiritual renewal.” – Ronald Reagan We all desire the spiritual … Continue reading

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Rome in September

I had the great privilege of visiting the eternal city last month. Having always dreamed of going to see the Vatican, the “heart” of our Church, my first trip was a bit different than I had envisioned since it was … Continue reading

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The Blues

“If Sadness comes knocking at your door, tell him that you’ve already made a commitment to Joy to whom you plan on being faithful your whole life long.” – Pope Francis Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, our feelings and … Continue reading

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Women on the run

Valerie Fifelski and Katie Tuttle are heroines. I know it is true because I looked up “heroine” in the online dictionary and it said: woman of distinguished courage or ability, admired for her brave deeds and noble qualities. Katie and … Continue reading

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Which is the Better Part?

Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her. — (Luke 10:42) I have been thinking a lot about the Synod on the family going on in Rome right now. It’s interesting how the media … Continue reading

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“Let us rise and be on our way.”

These familiar words from the Gospel and borrowed by St. John Paul II are a sturdy platform for me to share a few reflections in this moment as we end the chapter of Mater Ecclesiae College. My heart is full … Continue reading

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One end, another beginning

Several years ago I landed a great teaching job, getting paid in prayers, peace of heart and chocolate chip cookies. In the academic world this job would not be seen as esteemed. It was only for one week a year … Continue reading

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The Mordarski Family

“God rejoices more in what He can do in a soul humbly resigned… than in the creation of millions of suns and the vast stretch of the heavens.” St. Therese of Lisieux “The Mordarski family is maybe the most generous … Continue reading

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Listen Humbly

The Holy Father had some words of wisdom to hand on to the Fathers attending the Synod of the Family just before it opened this weekend: “Listen Humbly”. These words echo what I have felt in my heart regarding the … Continue reading

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