Pope Francis asks: “So what is this poverty by which Christ frees us and enriches us? It is his way of loving us, his way of being our neighbor, just as the Good Samaritan was neighbor to the man left half dead by the side of the road (cf. Lk 10:25ff ).
What gives us true freedom, true salvation and true happiness is the compassion, tenderness and solidarity of Him…. Christ’s poverty is the greatest treasure of all…Jesus’ wealth lies in his being the Son…It has been said that the only real regret lies in not being a saint (L. Bloy); we could also say that there is only one real kind of poverty: not living as children of God and brothers and sisters of Christ.”
Reflection: So the first thing to do before diving into understanding poverty is to ask myself the question: who am I? Do I really believe and consider myself a son/daughter of God? Can I truly say that am I beloved by my God, a loving father who will never forsake his child?
Prayer: Say an our Father
Action: Take a few moments at the end of your day to write five things you are thankful to God for.