Lent 2014 — first of series of weekly reflections

Fr Jacques Philippe

A few weeks ago, I attended a conference with Fr. Jacque Philippe. The title was: “interior peace”. Yes, peace, a very much-needed virtue these days. Peace in a world that’s runs all day long; peace in a world were violence seems to be the way to solve problems; peace in a world were changes are part of daily living; peace in a world were music, video games, TV, and Internet, rule. Peace: something I personally need much more.

At the end of the conference someone asked Fr. Jacque Philippe “Father, you are so happy, always smiling, how do you do it?”

“We’ll you know the beatitude of blessed are the poor in spirit… I can truly tell you, I’m the poorest man in the world, but I’m the happiest man in the world,” he answered.

Wow, that really struck me. The poorest and the happiest — that doesn’t make any sense. Then I started reflecting on all my mission trips, and most of the comments (the “take always”) have been along the same line: “Here having nothing I was the happiest person; the people here have nothing and are so happy, they give us the little they have…”

Ok, there has to be a lesson here. Then, I came across Pope Francis’ message for Lent all about poverty! Ok, it is clear, or at least I will try to make it clear: Poverty may help us to archive PEACE/happiness.

So for the next five weeks we will reflect on poverty to see what we can gain. During this lent I invite all, not only to give up, but also to gain a lot. Gain that inner peace, that happiness that we are all longing for and that only Christ can give us.


About Paola Trevino

Paola Trevino is a Consecrated women of Regnum Christi. She has direct and serve in many national and international missions. For the past two years she has focus her mission work in Haiti and Cancun, MX in the Mayan villages. At present she serves as the National Director of Missions Youth a Catholic based mission program that offers national and international missions for teens and young adults.
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