The journal of a pilgrim and volunteer — Day 16

Mass with the Regnum Christi pilgrims

On Sunday night the Holy Father left Rio, but WYD was not over yet for me. On Monday several movements had encounters with their members. Regnum Christi had a Mass for all its members who attended WYD. I thought that because everyone was tired after that very busy week, few people would show up. However, the Mass was in a parish and was completely crowed. Most of the RC pilgrims attended; there were groups from everywhere: USA, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Italy, Spain, Venezuela, El Salvador, and even a group from China. It was so nice to see the global RC family together. There was no room even to stand at the Church.

The Mass was concelebrated by 50 legionary priests. The main celebrant was Fr Savio Zanetta, the Territorial Director of Brazil. The consecrated women led the music with their choir. During the offertory, members of RC groups from each country processed to the altar with their flags. The readings, prayers of the faithful and songs were made in different languages (the 1st communion song was “I, the Lord of Sea and Sky”). After Mass we all took a group photo. I met so many people that I knew from the past — it was a real family reunion.

Legionary priests who concelebrated the RC Mass

After the RC Mass, WYD was finally over for me. I took a flight to Curitiba to spend some time with my family (the airplane was full of WYD pilgrims). Now little by little I am reflecting on everything that happened during these two weeks. I think it was one of the most powerful experiences of my life. I am definitely not the same person who arrived in Rio two weeks ago. I think I fell in love again with my bride, the Catholic Church. Also, WYD helped me to appreciate more my vocation to the priesthood and for Regnum Christi. I felt that this is my place in the Body of Christ. I have the same feeling as when I did spiritual exercises for the first time.

Br Antonio and some old friends

It was wonderful to spend so much time with the Holy Father; I learned so much from him. Not even in Rome do we get to spend so much quality time with the Pope! I will take advantage to read with more attention his WYD speeches during this month. The humility and prayerfulness of Pope Francis is contagious — he is such a blessing for the Church. Also, it was amazing to meet so many fellow pilgrims. There are lots of saints out there living ordinary lives in an extraordinary way. I am sure we will meet again in Heaven.

This is the end of the series of the journal of a WYD pilgrim and volunteer. I want to thank my superiors for letting me come to Brazil, my family for the financial support, and also Jim Fair for his support with the blog. Now, it is time to “Go and make disciples from all nations”. I want to finish this series inviting you to have the same experience and go to Krakow, Poland in 2016. It is a life changing experience with our best friend, Jesus Christ! God bless!



About Br Antônio Lemos LC

Br Antônio Lemos is from Curitiba, Brazil. He joined the Legion of Christ in 2006 after a couple of years as a Regnum Christi member. He is a big fan of the Brazilian national soccer team, 1980´s pop culture (specially movies), and St Thomas Aquinas. He is currently studying Theology in Rome.
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