The journal of a pilgrim and volunteer — Day 13

Br Antonio at the fence with a group from Argentina

The sun finally came out on Rio! It was a beautiful day with sunshine and blue skies, perfect for praying the Stations of the Cross at Copacabana Beach.

Early in the morning I went to the Volunteers Headquarters to work on written translations for the website. Because of that I was not able to attend the catechesis today. This is the kind of sacrifice that a volunteer needs to be ready to make. I translated my first article and it is already up in the website (do not worry, an American reviewed it before they published it).

Yesterday I heard that they were in need of volunteers to help with the human chain that is between the people and the Pope’s car along the beach. So, today I decided to help with that. It would be great to be a little bit closer to the Holy Father (last two times I saw him I was really far). I put on my yellow volunteer shirt over my clerical and went there. I was at the road were the Pope would pass. There is a barrier protecting the road and the people cannot pass, but they volunteers need to watch out and also help anyone if there is a problem. I took the opportunity to talk with the people. All the foreign pilgrims that I met so far are really enjoying this WYD. They all say that Rio is beautiful and that the “cariocas” are very hospitable. When the Pope came, everyone went crazy. We needed to put the weight of our bodies against the fences to make sure that it would not fall forward. That is why I did not take any picture, although I saw him very closely.

Pilgrims watching the Stations of the Cross at the beach

After the Pope arrived, the Stations of the Cross started. They were really well done. The music was performed by an orchestra and choir. They also had actors and special effects. Each station was built along the road of Copacabana beach. I decided to follow the procession from the beach. It was a very prayerful moment. Most of the million people that were there were in silence following the stations on the big screens at the beach. You can read what the Pope spoke here. It really moved me when the Holy Father said: “When you touch the Cross, you always leave something on it, and the Cross leaves something on you”. I remembered days ago when I touched the Pilgrim Cross in downtown. It is amazing to think that in such a superficial and materialistic society the Pope has the courage to invite young people to carry their crosses with love and follow Jesus!

Another beautiful thing that I witnessed today and on the other days was the exchange of gifts. There is a tradition on WYD that the pilgrims exchange gifts among themselves, sometimes religious items (rosaries, holy cards) sometimes things with the colors and symbols of their countries (like pins, flags, etc). I also have my own things: I brought Holy Cards with the Prayer for Vocations, cards with the prayer for the Pope and others. I received some medals and holy cards. But the best gift of all I received today from Fr Eamon Shelly. There will be a Mass tomorrow morning in the Cathedral with Pope Francis for the clergy and religious. You need an invitation to attend. I tried by all means to get invited, but was not able, so I just left it in God’s hands. During the stations I met Fr Eamon at the beach and he gave his invitation because he cannot attend! God is good!

So, I will go to bed no. I am dead tired as usual and need to wake up very early as usual! I will let you know tomorrow how the mass with the Pope went!



About Br Antônio Lemos LC

Br Antônio Lemos is from Curitiba, Brazil. He joined the Legion of Christ in 2006 after a couple of years as a Regnum Christi member. He is a big fan of the Brazilian national soccer team, 1980´s pop culture (specially movies), and St Thomas Aquinas. He is currently studying Theology in Rome.
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