The journal of a pilgrim and volunteer — Day 11

Fr Eamonn Shelly and Br Antonio Lemos at the Vocational Fair

Today, I had my first experience of the World Youth Day as a pilgrim! And finally I can answer, “how is the typical day of a pilgrim?”

In the morning I participated in the catechesis. I have heard so much about it from people that went to previous WYDs; I was really looking forward to experiencing it. They have catechesis for each language going on in different parts of the city. Since I am a volunteer I can choose where I want to go; the normal pilgrims are assigned to specific parishes. I had an early appointment in a certain region, so I chose an English Catechesis nearby. When I arrived at the place I realized that it was Our Lady of Mercy School. (When the Legionaries first arrived in Brazil in 1985, they started their ministry as chaplains of that school, so it has a deep meaning for me).

Fr Juan Guerra and Br Antonio Lemos at the Vocational Fair

As I arrived there, the pilgrims were having their breakfast (every pilgrim receives a “breakfast kit” when they get there). There were pilgrims from Texas, Canada, Australia, Barbados, and Trinidad and Tobago. The pilgrims from the Caribbean were in charge of the music. They were very joyful people; I liked their songs a lot. We started with some praise and worship music. Then, the bishop arrived. Archbishop emeritus from Dehli, India, Vincent Concessao gave the catechesis to us. He is a very simple man, and deeply spiritual. He talked about how the encounter with the Risen Christ transforms our lives, making us disciples and missionaries. I got a lot from it. After the talk, we had testimonies and Q&A, and finally we closed the event with Mass. It was an amazing experience of the Church. It is so good to have a bishop so close to young people.

RC family vocational stand

In the afternoon I went to the vocational fair. Despite the rain, it was full of people. There they have stands for several Congregations and lay movements (Regnum Christi was present too!) to present their spirituality and charism. I visited some of them and was thrilled to see how rich is the gift of the Holy Spirit to us. There are so many vocations, so many paths of service to the Lord! At one point, there was a big gathering of RC members for testimonies and music in one of the main tents. This event was incredible! IT was so nice to see so many RC members from the whole world together. All the vocations were represented: Legionaries, consecrated men and women, and lay people. The people who were giving the testimonies barely could speak, because all the RC members in the tent were talking the whole time, everyone was meeting old friends. For example, I met several RC members that I knew before I joined the Legion. I even saw some fathers from the USA, like Fr Eamonn Shelly and Fr Juan Guerra. It was great to see the whole family together. Also, we had some music: the consecrated sang a beautiful song, and a band formed by RC members played some songs inspired in our spirituality.

Blessed Sacrament at the Adoration Tent

After the RC gathering, I went to the adoration tent of the vocational fair. The Missionaries of Charity were organizing everything; they did a great job. It was really impressive to see hundreds of young people adoring the Blessed Sacrament together. There was a praise and worship going on there also. I felt so close to God at that moment. At the end I was able to venerate the relics of St Therese of the Child Jesus in exhibition there. She is a very special saint for me.

Next to the Adoration Tent there was an area with more than 50 confessionals. The lines for confession were endless (this is one of the few cases in which lines can be very positive). The amazing fact is that it was pouring rain. How is it possible that the vocational fair was so crowded? I felt that I was at the heart of the WYD. A Legionary priest told me: here at the confessionals is where WYD happens.

So what do you think about the day of a WYD pilgrim? I am exhausted! And tomorrow we have a big day — the welcoming ceremony for the Pope! Please, keep us in your prayers.







About Br Antônio Lemos LC

Br Antônio Lemos is from Curitiba, Brazil. He joined the Legion of Christ in 2006 after a couple of years as a Regnum Christi member. He is a big fan of the Brazilian national soccer team, 1980´s pop culture (specially movies), and St Thomas Aquinas. He is currently studying Theology in Rome.
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