One of the Missionaries of Charity shared a reflection with us: “Haiti is a poverty stricken country but that is not what causes such suffering. Christ was born into poverty. This suffering is caused through neglect. Love is the only thing that can truly cure that.”
Three years ago in my first trip to Haiti, I had an experience that can “testify” to that. After seeing so much suffering, poverty, destitution, I had a “faith crisis” and asked God, why? Where is the loving God to whom I gave my life to? Where is the Almighty? Where is the Creator, the All Powerful? Where is my Beloved God? And the answer was clear: All of this suffering and poverty is not my creation; it is the fruit of misused freedom, misused love. What are you going to do about it?
Right then I renewed my commitment with Him: I will not leave you alone; I will give my life for you and your LOVE. I made a promise that I will come back to Haiti but not alone. Many more young people had to experience His love through suffering so they will also understand the true meaning of love and freedom.
Thanks be to God that promise is a reality today. Since May of 2010, more than 250 young people had come to Haiti.
So today I will pass the “pen” to the missionaries and let them tell you their own experiences on the second day of Christmas Mission in Haiti.
“It was really eye opening to see the extreme poverty of Haiti and to reflect on the petty complaints we have all made.”
“I saw God’s gaze through the eyes of a little child.”
“It was so precious to see how all of the little kids at Mass turned around and stared at us. They all had such beautiful smiles…it shows how universal smiles are.”
Our pre-med student: “Working at the wounds clinic was such an amazing experience…my first time doing hands on work.”
A little year-old boy, Dehplanley, was dying and we had the opportunity to take turns and pray around his crib: “It was so hard to see dying babies who are all alone in the world. Yet these children are so amazingly happy.” “Felt like there were angels when they were praying at the dying baby’s bedside…Jesus and Mary are truly with us in our darkest hour.”
“Singing Christmas carols to the babies was a way of comforting those kids whose moms were unable to come. It was so hard because we wanted to do so much more to help them but singing was such a powerful way of calming them down.”
“Giving just a little to the Haitians equates to getting so much in return…just a simple hug brings these people so much joy and missionaries receive so much joy in return.”
Let us take advantage of this Christmas season to enjoy the simplest and ordinary things of our daily life: a smile, a hug, a thank you, a friend, family. In this Christmas season let us open our hearts and be at the crib of baby Jesus.