“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. ” (CS Lewis)
How often will a mom hear these words from her children?
1. “Mom, I love you so much and I am so grateful for all the wonderful things you do for me on a daily basis!”
2. “Mom, I have learned so much from your wise counsel over the years and I thank you from the heart for being involved in my life!”
3. “Mom, thanks for all the home cooked meals, for helping me with my homework, for driving me to so many engagements…thank you for your constant love and concern for me!”
I would prefer not to write what most moms actually hear from their kids on a daily basis…but mom’s, remember, your love is not in vain. Your kids do eventually recognize and learn from your acts of kindness…and you also deeply console the Sacred Heart of Christ who’s heart is “wrung and broken” from the lack of consideration and sins of so many. Keep up the good fight!