“The valley to be crossed is therefore a place of anguish, of awful threat and of mortal danger and yet the man who prays proceeds securely and without fear, for he knows that the Lord is with him.” (Pope Benedict XVI, Oct. 5, 2011)
A business leader recently told me a story about his daily battle to find time to pray. He looks ahead at his schedule to see if he can work in daily Mass or a little extra prayer time, and this can be very difficult. On a particularly busy day, he pulled into the parking garage and rushed out of his car towards his office. Then he reflected, “Wait a minute. This day is going to be a really tough one and I will not have much time to pray. I need to spend a little time with Christ before jumping into the mix.” So he walked back to his car, shut the door and spent a few minutes in silence asking Christ for help in prayer. It was worth it!!