Monthly Archives: August 2011

More from Madrid — much more to come tomorrow

We’re here!

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WYD — Wednesday (and a few from Monday)

The Soccer stadium that became a Coffee House

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WYD…a few more photos from Tuesday

Proud to be an American

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More photos from Margaret in Madrid

Aerial view of young people filling the streets around Cibeles Square for the opening mass

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WYD Tuesday reports

Tuesday, August 16 The amount of things that has happened today alone seems to equate one day here with a week back at home. This makes the application of the word “brevity” a very difficult task  therefore, I have enlisted … Continue reading

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Monday, August 15 Arrival to Madrid, Spain

At last we have arrived. The way here, however, was not the least bit eventless. When we reached London, we met several other groups traveling to Madrid for WYD including a charismatic group from Tampa, FL, a boys and girls … Continue reading

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Margaret Antonio…reporting from World Youth Day

Hello! My name is Margaret Antonio and for the next few days I will be your window into World Youth Day. I am very grateful to have this opportunity to go to Spain along with my school and friends to … Continue reading

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Empty Nest Syndrome

“True love ‘increasingly seeks the happiness of the other, is concerned more and more with the beloved, bestows itself and wants to ‘be there for’ the other’ (Deus Caritas Est, no. 7) and therefore will always grow in faithfulness, indissolubility … Continue reading

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Pray for Our Youth in Madrid

Though I live in metro-Detroit, this week my heart is in Spain. I feel very close to our Blessed Mother (whose great feast day is August 15, the day before all festivities begin.)  She must be looking down with great … Continue reading

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God’s Plan

One of our regular readers, Francois, asked a question a few weeks ago that deserved a careful response from Father John Bartunek, who was on retreat.  He has returned and has offered the following: Q: I don’t know if it is … Continue reading

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