“True love ‘increasingly seeks the happiness of the other, is concerned more and more with the beloved, bestows itself and wants to ‘be there for’ the other’ (Deus Caritas Est, no. 7) and therefore will always grow in faithfulness, indissolubility and fruitfulness.” (Pope Benedict XVI, May 19, 2007)
Too many couples look for another partner/emotional relationship or simply “check out” after their last child has left home, thinking that they have fulfilled their obligation and it is time to move on. The “empty nest” can be a very dangerous and volatile time for a couple if they have not built up a sincere and heartfelt love while the kids were still at home. On a personal note, it gave me great consolation to see how much my mom and dad loved each other for 45 years of married life and this love only seemed to grow when the kids were no longer under their roof. This demands lots of prayer, lots of work in the area of communication and sacrificial love, and a desire to make it work out of love for Christ, for your spouse and for your kids. It’s worth it!!