“I am at once a physician, a citizen and a woman, and I am not willing to stand aside and allow this concept of expendable human life to turn this great land of ours into just another exclusive reservation where only the perfect, the privileged and the planned have the right to live,” said Dr. Jefferson in a 2003 profile in the American Feminist. Mildred Jefferson
It is consoling to see busloads of Schools and Parishes arrive from all over the country to participate in the Annual “March for Life” here in DC. The focus is often on the innocent babies who do not have a voice to defend themselves, and this certainly needs to emphasized. But after 12 years of priesthood, I would also like to focus on the poor women who suffer so much as a result of having an abortion. In spite of Confession, counseling, therapy…this painful thought often remains in their consciousness every day. We need to pray for deep healing for these women and pray for those who are considering an abortion, that they will have the strength and courage to embrace their child or at least to offer their child to an adoption home.