I remember hearing someone ask the question, “Where was God on September 11, 2011?” And some answered, “We kicked Him out of our society long ago.”
As you know, I’m consecrated to God so I try my best not to kick Him out of my life, just like you baptized Catholics try not to either. But, yes, sometimes we can put Him on a shelf, in a closet, in a drawer: “Practical Atheism”. We live our days, our lives, as if He didn’t exist, as if we didn’t believe or need Him.
We live practically like an atheist, but when exams come around, or that important job interview, or the holidays, an illness, an accident…we rush to the “shelf” to find Him. But guess what: Be careful, because we eventually begin to believe the lies that we live. This can be devastating because “once God is removed from our lives, we become diminished, for our human dignity consists in being created by God.” -Pope Benedict XVI
I as a consecrated woman, you as baptized persons, we as believers, are a little stubborn. Therefore, we need convincing reasons for our faith and hope. Where can we find those reasons? Just look around you, at creation itself: the grandeur of a mountain, the calm sea, the bright blue sky, a tiny baby, an exotic flower, a colorful rainbow, a perfect snowflake…
In this year of faith, with Christmas around the corner, let’s go to that “shelf in our heart,” “grab” God, and bring Him to the center of the house, where He belongs!
Prayer: “Lord I believe, I trust, I love and I adore You, and I ask you for all those who do not believe, trust, love or adore you, Lord give me the grace always to believe, trust, love and adore you”.
Action: Wake up and say (or sign if you can): “God is an awesome God…”See Him in the beautiful bright morning, in the sunset, in the perfect snowflake…Go find him in our real home: the Church. Surprise Him by paying Him a visit or accompanying Him at Sunday Mass.
Thank you for this insightful thought.