In our house here in Rome, there is only one Legionary who needs to use a cane. He is one of the older professors; he has to be close to reaching the mandatory retirement age. However, he is still quite energetic in class. Every week he makes the long trek over to teach us with clarity and decision.
This year there was a little change in teaching personal so he was asked to take on a new class he had never taught before. I could only imagine that taking on some new material at that age would be difficult but he has done it with aplomb. He taught us this class with the same energy as his other classes, the only difference is that he didn’t make accompanying slides like he has elsewhere.
As we get older, it is easy to get set in our ways. A child is open to everything but old men are often set in their ways. I hope that when I am that old I can still live such docile obedience.